Saturday 6 July 2013

The Thigh Gap

The glorification of diet fads such as the Dukan, “No Carbs before Marbs” and Samantha Brick’s latest contribution to the world of journalism, the “polo diet”, has convinced women of all ages and sizes that life just isn’t worth living if the gap between your thighs is less than three inches.  British women these days are 5’6 on average and weigh in around 10st 3lbs, giving them a BMI of 23 and placing them in the upper-half of the ‘healthy’ scale.  Sure, you could lose 6 BMI points and still hover around the healthy mark, but why can’t we be happy in our own skin?

Friday 5 July 2013

Feminists Shave Their Legs Too

Recently I've been thinking a lot about where I fit into society, what is my identity? Ticked boxes on a questionnaire might describe me as "white British", "18-25", "female", "graduate", "single", "employed", "Christian". All labels, and none that make me unique, but that mean I belong to a certain category of the population. The last year of emerging from the student bubble into the world of work has made me think more about my role in society, and especially as a young woman. What does it mean to be a 20 something girl in Britain right now?